Modsecurity owasp vs comodo
Modsecurity owasp vs comodo

modsecurity owasp vs comodo modsecurity owasp vs comodo

After installation my webserver Apache got stopped. Normally at this stage the installation will complete and we would be able to access the Comodo WAF from webmin > servers > Comodo WAFīut in my case I faced issue and below are they.

  • At this stage the installation completed and the files are saved in the location /usr/local/cwaf.
  • On next stage the install script will ask whether we need to protect our server with default rule set.
  • We can see the progress in the screen itself.
  • Asked permission to install some perl module.
  • On coming stages install script will check for another webserver types like litespeed, Nginx is available or not and at final state it will identify the webmin installation and ask for if we need to continue or not.
  • At this stage our mod_security module will be identified by this script.
  • Click Enter on first page to confirm the installation There is also a German branch of these tutorials. Traffic Generator: The advanced tutorials make use of several scripts and aliases which are listed below:
  • Tutorial 12: Capturing and Decrypting the Entire Traffic.
  • Then, custom rulesets deliver tailored protections to block any threat. Secondly, core OWASP rules block familiar Top 10 attack techniques. Firstly, cloudflare managed rules offer advanced zero-day vulnerability protections.
  • Tutorial 11: Visualization of Apache / ModSecurity log information Today, let us see Modsecurity/WAF layered defenses listed by our Support Techs.
  • Tutorial 10: Efficiently Configuring and Debugging Apache and ModSecurity in the Shell.
  • Tutorial 9: Setting up a Reverse Proxy Server.
  • Some rule sets like Comodo require much less pruning. This is a caveat of OWASP more than ModSecurity itself. Owasp is a very in depth rule set, and as noted well in this thread, requires some customization.
  • Tutorial 8: Handling False Positives with the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set ModSecurity, as with any Firewall (it is a web app firewall after all) is only as good as its rule set.
  • Tutorial 7: Including OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set.
  • Tutorial 5: Extending and Analyzing the Access Log.
  • Tutorial 4: Enabling Encryption with SSL/TLS OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) Scripts - The OWASP CRS includes scripts to auto-convert XML output from tools such as OWASP ZAP into ModSecurity Virtual Patches.
  • modsecurity owasp vs comodo

    By contrast, ModSecurity rates 4.2/5 stars with 14 reviews. Tutorial 3: Configuring an Apache/PHP Application Server Comodo Firewall rates 4.0/5 stars with 37 reviews.Tutorial 2: Configuring a Minimal Apache Web Server.

    modsecurity owasp vs comodo

  • Tutorial 1: Compiling Apache ( Video Walk-Through).
  • There is a blogpost introducing the series and explaining the concept we have in mind. This is a series of Apache web server tutorials that will span from the basics to advanced topics like ModSecurity and logfile visualization.

    Modsecurity owasp vs comodo